for management

Scale effective communication across your business

Communicate more effectively with co-workers and customers by applying personality insights into your work conversations.

Trusted by 1,000+ organizations globally

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Think of Crystal as your team's communication coach

Crystal is a personality data platform equipping business leaders with software to scale effective communication practices throughout the organization.

Communicate with emotional intelligence

Understand how your team members, customers, and prospects prefer to communicate and build stronger relationships.

Foster authentic relationships with empathy

Reduce communication breakdowns and boost team morale by gaining a better understanding of your teammates and clients.

Accelerate development of communication skills

Enable your team with a software platform that teaches effective communication practices, especially in remote-working environments.

Close more opportunities

Create urgency and close deals by addressing your buyer's unique motivations.

Build stronger relationships

Strengthen relationships and build trust by speaking to your buyer's core values.

Get more responses

Elicit responses by delivering your pitch in a way that resonates with your prospect.

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Understand yourself,
Understand the team

Take our free personality test and share it with team members to get a better understanding of who you work with, manage, or collaborate with.

Unlock the full potential
of every individual

Crystal reveals anyone's natural personality and gives leaders and managers guidance to effectively communicate in a way that resonates with every team member.

Create custom playbooks for any meeting

Custom playbooks guide how to best communicate with different personalities, whether they're for internal conversations or client-facing meetings. 

Motivate your team in
the style that resonates

Our personality insights reveal how you can adapt your leadership style to meet the needs of each and every team member.

Identify group strengths 
and blind spots

Identify team strengths and blind spots so you can run productive meetings and build high functioning teams.

make every interaction count

Why leading with empathy
is important for team success

Every employee is different - when you treat everyone the same, you miss opportunities to motivate, engage, and strengthen relationships.

Crystal equips people leaders with personality insights into their team members so leaders can more effectively communicate with team members in their natural style.

Here's what our customers
have to say

"They're (stakeholders) really leaning forward based on the way that we’ve changed our approach using the information we gather through Crystal Knows."
Nicole Bergen
Founder, Elevate Marketing
"Crystal is like magic. It gives us x-ray vision — allowing us to see and understand someone really quickly, just based on their LinkedIn profile."
Matt Kesby
Founder, GoTeam
"Crystal gives me insights and helps me connect with my clients at a far deeper level than any Google search ever could."
John Barrows - Headshot
John Barrows
Founder & CEO, Sell Better
"The first 5 minutes of any meeting is absolutely crucial. That's where Crystal helps my team the most."
Brett Johnson - Headshot
Brett Johnson
AVP of Global Engagement, High Radius
"When I started personalizing my emails with Crystal's advice, I started getting way more responses. Much better ones, too!"
Isaac Garcia - Headshot
Isaac Garcia
"I don't know where we would be without Crystal Knows as far as our company culture and our hiring process. I absolutely love it."
Kayla Edwards
HR Director, Window World of North Atlanta
"With Crystal, I would say I'm at least 30%-35% quicker at building meaningful relationships"
Heather Heefner - Headshot
Heather Heefner
Founder & Owner, Dart Design Studio
"Crystal is like a cheat sheet in the sales process. You can use the right communication style for every prospect, even in the first call."
Ben Jackson - Headshot
Ben Jackson
VP of Sales, Flywheel
"As someone who’s focusing on understanding people’s pains, talking to them in a language that's meaningful to them absolutely encourages and improves the relationship.”
Richard Harris Headshot
Richard Harris
Founder, The Harris Consulting Group

Bring back the human touch.

Let our team give you a guided tour of our platform and service so that you know exactly what’s possible with Crystal.